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Joseph in America, speech given to the Consortium of Philadelphia, February, 2018
Creator: Lentz, Thierry
Date: 2018
Candelabra pair, French Empire gilt and patinated bronze
Creator: Claude Galle (attributed)
Date: 1800 (circa)
The tapering standard issuing central nozzle and three candlearms in the form of winged sea-creatures, united by chains hanging from their mouths, the triangular bases supported by winged griffins, on conforming incurved tripartite base.
Chinese export porcelain enamel and gilt decorated punch bowl
Date: 19th century
Decorated with blue enamel border and floral spray, the exterior with circular reserves and the initial "N" in gilt, paper label attached to base inscribed, "This punch bowl, originally the property of Napoleon Bonaparte, was purchased at the sale of…
Federal mahogany and cherry butler's desk
Date: 1820 (circa)
Galleried fitted interior above two recessed panel doors flanked by two drawers with reeded edge, recessed side panel, turned feet. Pennsylvania, circa 1820
Gothic Revival carved mahogany side chair
Creator: Michel Bouvier (attributed), French/American, 1792-1874, Philadelphia, PA
Crestrail pierced with quatrefoils flanked by Gothic recessed paneled stiles, similary paneled seat rail on ring-turned and tapering paneled legs.
When the Eighteenth Century Was New: Joseph Bonaparte in America
Creator: Thompson, D. Dodge
Date: 2017
Joseph Bonaparte en Amérique: 1815-1832
Creator: Bertin, Georges
Date: 1893
An account of Joseph Bonaparte's life in America. Of particular interest to this project, Appendix B (p. 415) contains an inventory of the paintings in Joseph Bonaparte's gallery.
Catalogue of valuable books... to be sold... September 18th, 1845, at the residence of the late Joseph Bonaparte
Creator: Birch, Thomas, Jr.
Date: 1845
This copy bound with an inventory of the catalogue of paintings sold September 17, 1845.
Catalogue of... paintings... engravings... sculpture... &c. belonging to the estate of the late Joseph Napoleon Bonaparte... to be sold... on Friday, June 25, 1847
Creator: Bleecker, Anthony J., auctioneer
Date: 1847
Auction catalog.
Catalogue of Fourteen Valuable Paintings, formerly the property of the late Joseph Bonaparte, of Bordentown, New-Jersey
Date: 1845
Broadside inventory of the fourteen paintings purchased by James Robb, Esq. (1814 -1881) from the September 17, 1845, Bordentown estate sale. Robb exhibited the paintings at Amory Hall, Boston, where he had taken them for restoration. Robb's goal was…
Porcelain dinnerware
Date: 1800 (circa) - 1811 (circa)
Several pieces of this white porcelain dinner service with overglaze of polychrome decoration have survived with a tradition that they were acquired at the "Point Breeze" sale. They are of the correct period and of a handsome and serviceable type…
Porcelain bowl
Glazed white porcelain bowl with overglaze polychrome decoration. Rim painted black with polychrome flowers (including roses, tulips, daisies, pansies, etc.) and gilt stylized leaves. Double rimmed base with narrow gilt band around outer base. …
Joseph Bonaparte's toiletry kit and leather case
Creator: Joseph Rodgers & Sons
Leather-covered toiletry case with silver plaque engraved "Legs du roi Joseph Napoleon a Adolph Mailliard." Hinged lid of case lined with red velvet contain 4 scissors (stamped Macdaniels, Oxford St.), nail file, 2 razors (stamped Joseph Rodgers &…
Porcelain chocolate set
Date: 1830 (circa)
Old Paris porcelain chocolate set, white with gold drapery decoration, France, c. 1830, consisting of one 9" plate; five 2 3/4" straight-side cups; five 2 1/4" round-sided cups; four 4 3/4" saucers; three 5" saucers. According to family tradition,…
Madame LaCoste
Creator: Charlotte Bonaparte
Date: 1823
Watercolor of Madame LaCoste painted by Charlotte Bonaparte at Point Breeze. Signed and dated in lower left corner. Emilie Lacoste was the beautiful Creole wife of Felix Lacoste, publisher of Joseph Bonaparte's New York City newspaper, Le Courrier…
Joseph Bonaparte, Comte de Survilliers
Creator: Adolph Maillard, Jr.
Date: 1840 (circa)
This pencil portrait is by Adolph Mailliard (b. 1819 in Bordentown, New Jersey), son of Bonaparte’s personal secretary, Louis Mailliard (b. 1795). It is believed that Adolph made the portrait on one of the many trips which Bonaparte and the…
Elizabeth Patterson
Creator: E.W.B.
Date: 1810 (circa) -1815 (circa)
Jerome Bonaparte (1784-1860), youngest of Napoleon's brothers, married Elizabeth Patterson of Baltimore in 1803. (From that union are descended the American Bonapartes.) Napoleon, however, annulled the marriage by imperial decree and Jerome was made…
Charlotte Bonaparte
Creator: Lawrence, Charles B. (attributed)
Date: 1824 (circa)
Charlotte Bonaparte (1802 – 1839) was the daughter of Joseph Bonaparte and the niece of Napoleon. Raised in France, Charlotte joined her father in 1821 at his New Jersey Estate, Point Breeze, and remained there until 1824. This portrait of…
Pair of side chairs
Date: 1815 (circa)
Pair of mahogany Grecian side chairs, scroll back, saber legs, and Boulle inlay in cresting rail. These chairs are believed to have been made for Joseph Bonaparte's first home at Point Breeze near Bordentown, New Jersey, c. 1815. When the first…
Fall front secretary desk
Creator: Bouvier, Michel
Date: 1818 - 1820
This fall front secretary desk is attributed to the French-born and trained cabinetmaker Michel Bouvier (1792-1874) who emigrated to Philadelphia after the collapse of the Empire in 1815. By 1819 he had established himself as a cabinetmaker, and in…
Pauline Bonaparte Borghese
Creator: Antonio Canova
Date: 1811 (circa)
Sculpture of Pauline Bonaparte Borghese reclining semi-nude on a cushioned day-bed, holding a piece of fruit. She is posing as "Venus Vincitrice." This piece is almost identical to the life-size original in the Villa Borghese in Rome, except this…
St. Catherine of Alexandria
Round portrait panel painting of St. Catherine of Alexandria. Her right hand rests on a wheel, referring to her death. She holds the palm of martyrdom in her left hand. According to Hopkinson family tradition, this unsigned, late Renaissance…
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Candelabra pair, French Empire gilt and patinated bronze

The tapering standard issuing central nozzle and three candlearms in the form of winged sea-creatures, united by chains hanging from their mouths, the…