Le testament et l’inventaire après décès de Joseph Bonaparte
Le testament et l’inventaire après décès de Joseph Bonaparte
Lentz, Thierry
Paris: La Fondation Napoléon.
DOI 10.3917/napo.026.0005
Alternative Title
Joseph Bonaparte's Will and Post-Mortem Inventory
Joseph Bonaparte died in Florence at the Palazzo Serristori on 28 July, 1844. He had been ill and weak for several years and so carefully prepared his succession. His will comprises a main text, written in London on 17 June, 1840, and a codicil written in Florence on 21 September, 1841, rendered pressing by Joseph’s state of health during the writing and signature of the main text. Close study of the will reveals Joseph’s desire to respect blood ties and to reward the fidelity of those close to him, whether in his family, his friends or amongst his servants. Thus, beyond his wife Julie, his daughter Zénaïde and his grandchildren, he was less than generous to his Bonaparte brothers, nephews and nieces, though he had provided a great deal of support for them during his lifetime. As for the inventory, it shows the luxury in which this ex-grand dignitary and King lived during his final years. On the death of Julie on 7 April, 1845, Zénaïde finally inherited a fortune of 5 million francs out of the estimated 7.8 million, once the testamentary dispositions had been followed to the letter by the faithful Louis Maillard, who had been chosen as executor.
Bibliographic Citation
Thierry Lentz, « Le testament et l’inventaire après décès de Joseph Bonaparte », Napoleonica. La Revue 2016/2 (N° 26), p. 5-20.
Is Format Of
Lentz, Thierry, “Le testament et l’inventaire après décès de Joseph Bonaparte,” Joseph Bonaparte in America, accessed March 7, 2025, https://www.josephbonaparteinamerica.org/items/show/29.